The pursuit of human issues has always held profound significance in my life. As I've traversed my artistic journey, I've come to realize that mere form creation cannot fully satisfy my creative drive. Consequently, I've embarked on a mission to imbue my artwork with profound concepts and meaning, utilizing it as a potent platform to address a wide spectrum of socio-political and cultural concerns. My ultimate aspiration is to ignite introspection among viewers, inspiring positive action that shapes a world defined by peace and tranquility. Within my work, I delve into a diverse array of critical issues, including freedom of expression, child marriage, and world peace. Yet, I find that women's issues resonate at the very core of my design practice. Through my artistic expression, I seek to elevate the voices and struggles of women, advocating for gender equality and empowerment. With each artistic endeavor, I plant the seeds of hope and progress, believing that through shared reflection and collective action, we can forge a world where every individual thrives, regardless of gender, race, or background.